Serverless Computing: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Serverless: FaaS + Ecosystem

Serverless combines FaaS with a vendor’s ecosystem for storage, caching, events, queuing, etc.

The Good: Serverless’ Autoscaling

Embarrassingly Parallel Functions

  • Independent functions, performing map functions, need not sync or communicate between each other.
  • e.g. object recognition, image transformation, on-demand calculation

Orchestration Functions

  • Use the serverless events to dispatch commands in another pipeline with its own separate autoscaling functionality
  • e.g. Google Cloud Dataprep by Trifacta

FaaS Limitations

  • Limited Lifetimes: most vendors limit a function to around 15 minutes
  • I/O Bottleneck:
    • vendors provide little bandwidth (0.5Gb/s, 10x slower than an SSD)
    • AWS clusters a user’s Lambda functions, increasing compute, reducing per-Lambda bandwidth
  • Communication Through Slow Storage:
    • Lambda instances cannot communication with each other
    • They communicate by writing to another Amazon storage service
      • slow way to do IPC
  • No Specialized Hardware
  • FaaS instances are run in VMs separate from data they are processing

FaaS Limitations Consequence

  • Shipping Data to Code
    • we’d want to take advantage of caching, and other CPU and memory performance optimizations
      • maybe even keep a small internal state
    • data from everywhere is shipped to a short-lived function, where no optimization happens
      • as well as network, startup latency, bandwidth limitations
    • we’d like to see code shipped to live with data, processing it like a factory assembly line
  • Stymying Distributed Computing
    • functions are not addressable (and can only communicate through slow storage)
    • all need to read/write global state
    • cannot use distributed systems to coordinate thousands/millions of FaaS functions
  • FaaS stymies hardware-accelerated software innovation
    • vendors only offer no custom processing (e.g. GPGPU) nor large amounts of RAM for FaaS functions
  • FaaS discourages Open Source service innovation
    • moss FOSS isn’t made for FaaS integration
    • [we could imagine a User-Custom FaaS, where a spec dictates how User-provided software needs to run to integrate itself alongside the vendor FaaS infra]

Case Study: Model Training

  • Training ML model
  • Needs 31 iterations

  • On Lambda instance
    • cost 0.29$
    • total 465 minutes (7.75 hours)
    • each iteration:
      • 640 MB memory
      • 15 min (max allowed)
      • 3.08 seconds
      • 2.49 seconds to fetch 100 MB
      • 0.59 seconds to process
  • On m4.large EC2 instance
    • cost 0.04$
    • total 22 minutes
    • each iteration:
      • 0.14 seconds
      • 0.04 seconds to fetch 100 MB
      • 0.1 seconds to process
  • Lamba 21x slower, 7.3x more expensive

Case Study: Low-Latency Prediction

  • Using ML model for prediction
  • Immediate downside: no GPU access in Lambda
  • Batched inputs for prediction (AWS SQS)

  • On Lambda
    • Fetch data from SQS, place results back in SQS
    • Average batch latency: 467ms
  • On m5.large, still using SQS
    • Average batch latency: 13ms
  • On m5.large, using ZeroMQ instead of SQS
    • Average batch latency: 2.8ms
  • Cost difference: order of 50x

Case Study: Distributed Computing

  • FaaS functions are not network addressable
  • Communication happens through AWS storage
  • Assessing cloud storage as communication medium serverless_one_step_forward_two_steps_back_distributed.PNG

“Hence in the (unachievable) best-case scenario—when each leader is elected immediately after it joins the system—the system will spend 1.9% of its aggregate time simply in the leader election protocol. Even if you think this is tolerable, note that using DynamoDB as a fine-grained communication medium is incredibly expensive: Supporting a cluster of 1,000 nodes costs at minimum $450 per hour”

As-Is Limitations May Be Good

  • FaaS forces stateless
    • easy to write, debug, trivial to replicate
  • FaaS forces loosly-coupled design, possibly forcing good design patterns
  • “In particular, FaaS limitations favor operational flexibility over developer control”
  • May resurface ideas that fit the FaaS mindset

Paper Objections

Section 3.3 addresses some criticism and clarifications on the paper content.


  • Fluid Code and Data Placement
    • infra needs to allow code and data to be colocated for perf reasons
    • infra might need to replicate data around to only couple data and code when needed
    • high-level languages and frameworks can help the infra understand how to better move the data around
  • Heterogeneous Hardware Support
    • offer access to diverse type of specialized hardware
    • allow infra to choose on which hardware to run the code for optimal execution
  • Long-Running, Addressable Virtual Agents
    • infra should allow user to specify data or hardware affinity for code
      • e.g. infra would move data around, mode code and data to specific hardware
    • amortize this effort by reusing code/data/hardware placement
      • needs addressable entities that are present long-term
  • Flexible Programming, Common IR
    • different languages, DSL, frameworks may use an IR to accomodate infra-specific optimizations and constructs
      • e.g. data flow, hardware affinity, async events
  • Service-level objectives & guarantees
    • offer granular SLOs, with penalties for mis-estimations
  • Security concerns
    • security is aided by cloud provider
      • removing misconfiguration, mismanagment
      • offering high-level abstractions, allowing for security-benefial constraints
    • still need to consider multi-tenancy issues, leakage
      • especially if code is allowed to move fluidly as per user request
    • may need to adopt new tech (e.g. hardware enclave) and consider audit / post-hoc analysis