“Predictive Load-Balancing: Unfair But Faster & More Robust” by Steve Gury
Client-Side Load Balancing Methods
- many available servers, which one to select
Random Selection
- select server at random
- over (forever) time, all servers receive same number of requests
- in the short-term, can really give unbalanced selection
Round Robin
- client remembers previous server
- picks next in the list
Least Loaded
- client keeps track of outstanding requests on each server
- selects the server with the smallest amount of outstanding requests
- [this sounds like locally least loaded, the client doesn’t know the global load on the servers ]
Load Balancing Troubles
Servers Are Not All The Same
- some servers can be more latent
- roundrobin will exercise these servers, making many requests very slow
- leadloaded will demand less of them
Thudering Herd
- newly avilable ressource is bombarded with requests
- newly available resource might not be ready for that
- [seems to not quite be the same as the Wikipedia definition of Thudnering Herd Problem]
- round robin and random will not bombard newly available resource
- leadloaded will bombard
- servers might experience hiccups
- e.g. GC pause, spike in CPU preventing processing
- round robin will continue to hammer these temporarily slow servers
- leastloaded will do slightly better
Multiple Clients with Independent States
- assuming no coordinated global state
- each client has a view of server load
- leastloaded and round robin might select server that globally is not least loaded
All These Methods Have Issues
- [I’d argue not the best poins have been made against leastloaded]
Latency-Based Load-Balancing
- use observed latency as measure of load
Load = Predicted_Latency * (#requests + 1)
- each server gets a latency attributed to it
- deciding on the server now depends on the projected arrival time of the response
Predicted Latency
- the median (not average) of the histograms of response latencies
- more stable than average
- histogram over sliding window to account for recent server changes
- latencies decay (go down by themselves) when hisotorical data is old
- to encourage visiting servers that haven’t been seen in a long time, in case something has changed
- if server is still slow, it’ll re-raise the latency (which will decay after a while again)
Issues and Solutions
- how to estimate new servers (no historical data)
- solution: probabtion period to warm up the server, establish history
- what if server is returning errors but has fast response time
- solution: ignore latency of errors
- solution: use failed respones to penalize the latency
Reacting to Latency Quickly
- keep track of requests that have not yet received responses
- if the response has not yet arrived by the time it was predicted to, we can adjust immediately start adjusting the predicted load and keep adjusting it
if other requests need to be dispatched, the adjusted predicted load can be used to make a decision (before the responses have been come back, or a large timeout has occurred)
- works well on sudden event (GC pause, network partition)
- needs an average of one median latency to detect a dead/unresponsive server
Not Perfect
- latency not always a perfect signal
- slow warmup of cold servers
- cold servers will be visited from time to time due to decay
- nevertheless, they’ll have relatively little traffic for a while
- errors disguised as success confuses the system
- request distribution may be temporarily uneven