“A Crystal Ball to Prioritize Technical Debt” by Adam Tornhill
Information to Prioritize Tech Debt
- Where’s the highest interest rate?
- Does the architecture support the way system evolves?
- Any bottlenecks for inter-team coordination?
File Level Hotspots
- version control holds information on code changes through time
- tools can reveal info about files
- bigger circles: greater code complexity
- darker circles: more frequent code change
Prioritize Through Hotspots
- code change frequency much more important than code complexity metrics
- complexity metrics are pretty bad, we can approximate to lines of code
- hotspots represent where code pays off to be clean, changeable, understandable, etc.
- in practice, hotspots usually are in bad shape, great refactoring candidates
We can have:
- file-level hotspots
- function-level hotspots
- microservice/module/component level (by grouping related files)
Supervise Trends
Normalization of Deviance
- as we accept situations that deviate from standards, we redefine the standards
- e.g. if we get used to a 6000 lines of code file, we tend to accept other large files, and increases in the 6000 lines of code file
Temporal Coupling
- when a change occurs in A, a change in B quickly follows
- A and B are temporily coupled
- we should measure microservice temporal coupling
Avoiding Microservice Shotgun Surgery Antipattern
- changing 1 thing means changing 5 services
- common reasons:
- sharing code
- leaky abstractions, depending on implementation
- same team, several services
- we can use temporal coupling to detect this antipattern
- this may indicate architecture needs to change
Tools for Analysis
- Code MaaT
- CodeScene
- Evolution Radar
- Moose Platform
Teamwork Implies Process Loss
- process loss: metaphor from mechanical inefficienies like friction and heat loss
- process loss cause:
- coordination, communication overhead
- diffusion of responsability
Measure Team Coordination
- we can measure coordination hotspots
- shading indicates how many people from different teams work on that file/entity
- coordination overhead in such frequent multi-team changes
- worth investigating why such multi-team changes
- feature teams work if aligned with code being changed
- book Your Code as a Crime Scene
- book Software Design X-Rays
- www.empear.com/blog
- codescene.io